You Can Make A Difference

As a non-profit land conservation organization, we rely on contributions from our supporters to not only conserve more land, but to steward that land in perpetuity. 

We are only able to achieve our conservation goals thanks to the generosity of donors like you. There are various ways to further our shared conservation vision.

DonationsLand Donation | Legacy & Estate Planning | Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds | IRA Distributions

If you are interested in corporate sponsorship, please contact us!

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Individual Contributions

You can help support NALT’s conservation efforts near and far by donating.

Your generosity will help preserve vital habitats and the species that depend on them.  Please complete the donation form to complete your contribution.

Land Donation

Do you own land that has been in your family for decades, and now you must determine its future? Or perhaps you recently purchased a property in a highly developed area, and you want to ensure it doesn’t meet the same fate as the neighborhoods around you! Either way, NALT can help.

NALT can accept gifts of real estate subject to NALT’s Land Acquisition and Conveyance Policy. NALT will obtain explicit acknowledgement from the donor regarding the property’s designation as a Conservation Property or Investment Property. Please contact your financial advisor for further information or contact NALT by completing the donation form and selecting Land.

Legacy and Estate Planning

Make NALT a beneficiary in your will.

Planned giving will enable NALT to continue its mission of environmental and cultural conservation for many years to come.  Please talk to your estate advisor on how best to put your legacy wishes into action through your will or living trust. You may also contact NALT by completing the donation form and selecting Legacy Giving.

Stock, Bonds, and Mutual Funds

You may choose to donate gifts of stock, bonds or mutual funds to help support NALT’s mission in a meaningful way.

The item donated will be liquidated and utilized as most needed by the NALT team. Please contact your financial advisor for further information or contact NALT by completing the donation form and selecting Stock, Bonds and Mutual Funds.

IRA Distributions

Transfer your mandatory IRA distribution directly to NALT.

If you are aged 70 ½ or more, you can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA to satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution. The amount of a QCD is excluded from your taxable income in the year in which it is made.  To qualify, the QCD must be made directly from your IRA to NALT.  Please contact your tax and financial advisor to discuss this option.

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